Find out what the laws are in your state, and what bills are being proposed. To find out what the laws are in your state, you'll need to visit the state government website. Every state makes it's public information, services and laws available online. You can dig further and look up your school district's policies and curriculum concerning gender ideology as well, starting with the district's website.

Thankfully to search for bill proposals in your state, everyone can use this website: Legiscan, where you can search by State, bill number, or keyword in the full text field. Educate yourself on how gender ideology is affecting the children in your state and school district so you arm yourself with knowledge and make your voice heard.

Speak Up and Be Heard

Click on your state to contact your senators and representatives.

How a Bill or Resolution Gets Passed


Member of the State Legislature sponsors a bill or resolution.


The bill or resolution is introduced in either the State House or the State Senate


The bill or resolution gets referred to a committee of jurisdiction to explore the implications


Subcommittees reviews and makes changes to the bill or resolution


Committees mark up the bill or resolution.


The Chamber the bill or resolution was introduced in votes on it. A simple majority vote is required for it to pass.


If the bill or resolution passes, the other Chamber votes on it, also requiring a simple majority vote for it to pass.


The bill or resolution goes to the Governor for approval or veto.


Congress can override a veto by getting the House and Senate to pass the bill by a two-thirds majority.