School is one of the first places children find themselves exposed to gender ideology. It is here they are most likely to become indoctrinated or confused about their gender. Homeschooling may be the best way to protect them from this, but unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury to keep our children home. For those of us who have no choice but to send our children to school, there are steps we can take to resist indoctrination and protect them from woke gender ideology as much as possible.
Protecting Children from
Know the curriculum at your school
Know what your child is being taught. Find out what textbooks are being used for each subject, and what story books or novels are on your child's reading list. Find out what lesson plans are scheduled. Parents have the right to review all instructional materials that is used for the curriculum as per the Federal Government:
20 U.S. Code § 1232h - Protection of pupil rights
The America First Legal organization explains in greater detail what this law means and how we can apply it. We can empower ourselves by knowing and referring to our legally supported parental rights as a means of protecting our children. Learn more & get the AFL's downloadable toolkit here:
America First Legal on the 20 U.S. § 1232h - Code Protection of pupil rights
Visit your child's classroom and take a look around
See how the teacher has set up the classroom. Try to do this as early as possible in the school year. Look for the obvious first such as the LGBT pride flag and the welcome poster. Don't stop there though. Look at what is written on the white-board (or chalkboard). Does the teacher indicate what pronouns they use? Look at all the books on the book shelf. Is there anything alarming there? If anything alarms you at all have your child pulled out of the class.
Ask your child these questions after the first week of school ends
1) Have any of your teachers ask the class to share their pronouns?
2) Have any of your teachers asked you to fill out a welcome form that asks "What are your preferred pronouns?"
If the answer is yes to either of these questions, have your child pulled out of that class.
Read the assigned books on your child's reading list before your child reads them
Woke books pushing gender ideology may be assigned to your child as part of their reading list. After finding out all of the books they are reading in the classroom, and the ones assigned to your child, make sure you read them. Assigned books may be pushing woke gender ideology and/or include explicit inappropriate graphic scenes that no child should be exposed to.
If possible visit the class during story-time or volunteer to help in the classroom
Try to sit in on the class, particularly during read aloud story-time. Teachers sometimes hide woke books and don't keep them on the bookshelf. Story time is an opportunity for the teacher to go outside the curriculum to read woke books, or introduce gender ideological ideas such as neo-pronouns without the parents' knowledge.
Read non-woke books to children at home
Read books at home that are the opposite of the woke books focused on gender ideology being pushed in the schools and libraries. Read books about self-acceptance, being good enough, and being whole and complete just as we are. Read books that encourage family values, and religious or moral values. Watch old Mr. Rogers PBS episodes at home when he talked about each child being special just as they are. Check back here for a list of recommended authors for children or sign up for the email list to be the first to know when it becomes available. (Scroll down to subscribe)
Share concerns with other parents
Discuss concerns with other parents who have children in the same class, or school as your child. See if they have the same concerns, and if so try to join together in support of each other in the cause to protect children.
Attend public School Committee meetings and report noted concerns
Speak up alongside other parents in solidarity if possible at public School Committee meetings to make your voice and concerns heard.
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Public School
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